Baby on the Brain (Again!)

Here I sit, two years since doing IVF. This is so cliche, but it feels like a lifetime ago in some ways, but also like it just happened! After the successful cycle, I went on to have a fairly rough pregnancy. It’s a good thing it was so hard to get pregnant and that I wanted it so badly, because that made vomiting every day until I gave birth seem like a totally fair trade for getting a baby!

Ever since my son was born, until very recently, I really didn’t feel any desire to have another baby (or barfy pregnancy) any time soon! He has been amazing and I’ve loved the time we’ve had as our family of three. However, the baby hunger strikes when you least expect it, and now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel of my master’s degree, and my child is more a toddler than a baby, I suddenly feel ready to try again!

This of course brings back the tidal wave of infertility-related emotions that I haven’t really dealt with since having my baby. The frustration of the inability to get pregnant like a normal person is heightened by the fact that we have to make a trip across the country where our embryos live to do the frozen embryo transfer (FET). However, having a successful pregnancy behind me, I am hopeful that this small sacrifice will result in the baby we are waiting for to join our family! Now it is just a matter of finding a clinic here in Houston who will take my insurance as a monitoring-only patient, finding the time off work to make the trip, coordinating the care for our son while we’re gone, etc. etc.!

I am excited and scared to take the plunge back in to the TTC world again! I hope our time here this time around is much shorter than the last!

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